That is the process for everything in life. That is the truth of life as we know it and that can be a big clue for understanding what 'Time is' or what 'Time can be'. Yes, everything takes time. That is the fact.
But according to the law of energy, everything existing in the domain will ever be the same. That is the full picture. Nothing can ever change the fact. So, looking from that perspective, everything will ever be the same, all in all. It is forever the same in essence, quantity, and quality. But then, why is change the only true constant of the universe?
Looking at a plant, we see there is a trunk, there are stems, there are leaves, and there are flowers. But, when it comes down to the basics, they all are energy. Energies taking their different courses for all the different reasons, and the audience (which is us), are also energies and are observing the flow and the exercising of these energies, and all the while, the whole thing is ever all the same.
It is not a lifeless unit, but a show itself and a show to itself. Perfect. And the concept of the flow of time in our mind is the rope that strings all the chapters of the different shows together. And readings and comprehension of those chapters as life, begin. And that will lead us to our higher and higher intelligence.
So, time is the rope. The whole thing is actually an ever constant, whole one unit, with the exercising of energies inside it. That, the domain of everything, shows the audience, and offers the understandings and enlightenments.
Don't they seem to us they all are, all in all, just pointing out to one fact, that 'it' is not a lifeless single unit, it is ever living and all knowing’ and we are part of it (the domain).
The problem here is just one thing. Life stories are in many a times, undesirable tragedies and traumatic. And death is our major problem.
Then what? The clue is actually that it is ever living and we are a part of it. Imagine if we subtract our concept of time out of our mind and see everything as they are. What will it be like? No storylines anymore, just observing and intelligence will be left with us.
And maybe no death anymore, and maybe we will come to truly be intelligent and that we are ever living and eternal.