"A Book in Our Heart''
We all write, at least in our mind, don't we? We all have a book in our heart for publishing one day. Yes, we all are writers.
By truly living our life each of us is writing a great novel that is so original and unique that nobody else could write it the way we would. And all our novels will be but a small page in the mother of all novels called 'World History', which is collectively being written by each and every one of us.
“It is the inner history, that really counts.” (from the “Glimpses of world history by Nehru).
This was written in the world famous history book by the Indian statesman of the past. I very much agree with the pandit's (a Hindu scholar) statement above. Yes, we humans have two parts, our inner world and the outside world that we live in. And sometimes that 'mini me', which is inside all of us, wants to be vocal about things that we can't let out to the real world by any other means except by writing about it.) We all have stories untold to the world and they are written, but unpublished, a book inside our heart. Yes, for letting it out one day. for publishing out one day to the whole world.
But, painfully and unfortunately, most of us never get the chance to express our inner stories and most of us will carry these true stories locked inside our heart, to the grave. But now, let me tell you all what my solution for that. It is to write that book.
It has proved to work for me at least. At points in my life, my heart was full of things and words that restlessly urged me, day and night, to be let out to the outside world. But how could I? All those sufferings, all those naked truths. All those things that would take extremely strong language and breaking of all rules imposed by the society that I live in. How could I bring them out to the outside world?
Here, I had finally reached a point where I couldn't stand any longer those voices in my head and my heart, so I started writing a journal to God. I write daily, weekly, monthly … I write during the daytime and at nighttime.
I wrote to him:
“Dear God,
It was ten years ago that I should have said those words to my friend who had passed away last year. If I had it would have cost me nothing. We would have developed an even stronger bond, but instead, in between, we drifted apart and now he was gone. Maybe he is somewhere in your domain. Please tell him that I love him. I miss him”.
And so. gradually my journals became a book, a book outside of me and all along the way my personality changed to become a better version of me. I got released from those voices in my head.
That was how I “published out” the book in my heart to the one and only audience I would like to present to, … ”Dear God”.